Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Moving into Math

We moved into our math routine today!  We started out with our math box work first!  Children had to get out their number lines and number cards and put them in order from 1 to 10.  Then they touched and counted from 1 to 10.   This was pretty easy for most kiddos and after they learn the math box routine each child will get numbers that challenge them.

We did a short lesson on 1 and 2 as a whole group.  Then we moved into our first set of math stations!  Below the kiddos were using playdough to make the right number of playdough balls to match the number.

 Below they were cutting up a bus puzzle with numbers.  Then gluing it back down in order.

Here they were counting coconuts on a tree then writing the number and coloring the tree to match on their recording sheet.

The kiddos were also able to work on ipads and the computers.  More pictures of math tomorrow!

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