Monday, November 30, 2015

Caring and Sharing

Today we started our new unit on Caring and Sharing!  Our focus today was on understanding wants versus needs.  I had a huge sack full of items that we sorted out if it was a want or a need.  The kids did a great job sorting them out.  We were just unsure about soda and candy!  Ask your child what we decided about the soda and candy....want or need?

After reading a few stories and looking at an anchor chart on wants and needs, we went back to the table to tried our own sort!  Look for it in your child's folder.

In your child's folder is a kindness calendar! I am challenging the children to complete one act of kindness each day in December!  Please read that came attached to this calendar for more details.  

Friday, November 20, 2015

Shape Fun!

We have spent our week learning about shapes!  We talked about each shape and created a chart about each one.  We hunted for shapes in the room and created different shapes with pipe cleaners!  At the end of the week we created shape pictures!  The kids were super creative! 

Friday, November 13, 2015

50th Day Math-Day 2

On Thursday we finished up some of our 50th day activities during math time.   Below the kids are rolling and graphing things from the 50's.

Here the kiddos are spinning and making tally marks to 50.

Below the kiddos played a game "race to 50!"

And the last one was creating a lego creation with 50 LEGOS! The kids loved it!

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

50th Day of School!

Another awesome celebration in our classroom!  We started our 50th day off by looking at pictures from the 50's and comparing them to now.  We then made a cute art project for the 50th day!

Here are a few group shots of all the little boppers!

  In the afternoon, we tried out bubblegum!  We practiced and practiced trying to blow a bubble!  We had a few successes!

 We finished our day with a Sock Hop in the gym!  We had a fun time doing the Hand Jive, the Twist, and the Mashed Potato!  We also did a little hula hooping! 

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Writers Workshop and Star Making

Now that special student of the day is complete we are ready to blast off into becoming writers!  Today we talked about how anyone can be an author and we all have great stories to tell and great information to share!  So today we started!  We created a chart of ideas to help everyone get started and away the kids went! Today we worked hard on the cover of our book and as soon as we are done we will open it up and start putting in information!  The kids are writing about Minecraft, dogs, cats, the Earth, unicorns and more!
Ask your child what they are writing about in their book!

This afternoon in theme study I taught the kiddos  a fun way to make stars!  They loved it!  Ask your child to show you at home!  We wrote about stars in our space journal too!  What can your child tell you about stars?